HomeFood NieuwsInterview Andreas in Fundament

Interview Andreas in Fundament

8 december 2020
Interview Andreas in Fundament

Fundament Magazine

Andreas werd geïnterviewd door de redactie van Fundament, het alumni magazine van de Hotel Management School Maastricht. Het geeft een leuk inkijkje in zijn carrière en ambities, evenals in de ervaringen en inzichten waaruit Goed in Food is ontstaan.

From profit to inclusive thinking

"Goed in Food is the name under which Andreas Oerlemans [F 1987] offers his services. That ‘goed’ or good can’t be said too often. Adding value to food organizations is what he does. He now has over 30 years of professional experience in the food and beverage industry, if you don’t count the years he spent in hotels as a child.."

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